Поездка в Дивеево

Среда, 05.02.2025, 15:17

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Holy springs

Mother Alexandra's spring

According to the testimony of the first sisters community, who lived at the Kazan church, they saw fire and candles, heard sound of an unusual and some felt unusual odor coming from Mother Alexandra's grave. Then splatter was heard in the grave, and therefore people had belief that spring which opened under the mountain comes from the tomb of Mother Alexandra. This spring was near river beyond the road in front of the Kazan church. A dam and reservoir  were made in Soviet times and water covered spring.  Another spring was consecrated down by river in the southwest, where people now gain healing water.


Kazan spring


On the northern outskirts of Diveevo near wooden church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Kazan spring is situated. He fought his way out of the ground in the time of Ivan the Terrible after the appearance of Mother of God icon in Kazan in July 1579. in the 30-ies of XX century at spring under the ice,  miraculous Kazan Mother of God Icon was found. The icon is placed in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in a chapel in honor of Our Lady of "Tenderness".

Spring of Holy great martyr and Healer Panteleimon is near Kazan spring


Iver spring

The path along river will bring you to far Mother Alexandra's spring. Great Bayou dug it itself for quenching thirst of workers who quarried the limestone for Kazan Church. According to legend, local people prayed at spring in a drought for the gift of rain. People considered this spring healing and brought  sick children to bathe in it. A small chapel was built there in the XIX century. According to the icon of Iberian Mother of God in chapel, spring was called "Iberian".

 Also near Diveevo:

Father Seraphim's spring


History of existing Father Seraphim spring follows. A soldier carried a service on the border of the protected area in the woods near Sarov, was appeared by an old man in a white robe. He asked: "Old man, what are you doing here?" - He hit the ground with a rod, and spring scored. It happened in the 60 years of XX century on the banks of the river Satis. So Father Seraphim moved his spring from Sarov to accessible for all believers Tsyganovka village. 

Later it was decided to raze this spring. A tractor was brought, but the engine stalled. While going for broken parts, tractor driver saw an old man who said: "Basil, do not raze my spring." And no matter how Basil was persuaded, he flatly refused. Chief, who gave order to raze spring, was soon transferred to another job.

In 1995, bed of river Satis was changed, and spring formed whole lake. They built a chapel, staged well, paved driveway. A lot of people looking for help from the father Seraphim comes here for healing water. Spring holiness is shown by many cases of miraculous healings.


Phenomenon of Our Lady spring in Kremenki

Holy healing spring "Phenomenon." Here, September 9, 1670 after the battle was the Face of the Mother of God. It is believed that every day before going to the Holy Canal, Mother of God washes her Most Lucent face with this spring water.

Holy Spirit spring in Avtodeevo.

Holy Trinity spring in Kanerge. 

 Archangel Michael spring in Mayevka.

St. Spyridon Tremithous spring in Suvorovo.

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